+33 970 155 000


Low price translation is a risky game to play

Risk of machine translation (MT), proofread or not, risk of an unskilled translator, risk of delays, errors, inaccuracies and omissions, and this is even if the translation was made by a human being. These risks can cause both financial and reputational damage. The art of translation must combine the finest understanding of the content and the rigor and elegance of the writing. As a supplier to French and foreign companies and industries, to banking and insurance groups, and as a preferred partner of major foreign translation agencies, CIK Lingua attaches the greatest importance to the quality of its relationship with all its partners, both clients and linguists.

Risque de traduction automatique relue ou non, risque li� � un traducteur non qualifi�, risque de retard, risque d�erreurs, d�inexactitudes et d�oublis, et cela m�me si la traduction a �t� effectu�e par un �tre humain. Ces risques peuvent entra�ner des pertes financi�res, et de cr�dibilit�. Traduire doit allier la compr�hension la plus fine et la rigueur et l��l�gance de la r�daction.

Fournisseur d�entreprises et d�industries fran�aises et �trang�res, d��tablissements bancaires et d�assurance, partenaire privil�gi� de grandes agences de traduction �trang�res, Cik Lingua accorde la plus grande importance � la qualit� de ses relations avec l�ensemble de ses partenaires, clients comme linguistes.



As a French company, we have a deep knowledge and understanding of the local market.

Our in-house experts are marketing savvy, and can help you engage your audience through the use of the most incentivising language.

They place their trust in us

Some thoughts to ponder